ADS 728X90

Monday, May 28, 2012

Animasi Pray for Aceh :: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak

Animasi Pray for Aceh :: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak

untuk DP BBM gunakan Gambar Animasi Pray for Aceh dibawah ini:
Animasi Pray for Aceh 150 :: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak
Size: 150X150 pixel
capacity: 7.6 Kb
speed: 12 frame
format: GIF

Animasi Pray for Aceh 150 RED:: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak
Size: 150X150 pixel
capacity: 7.58 Kb
speed: 12 frame
format: GIF

Animasi Pray for Aceh 150  BLUE:: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak
Size: 150X150 pixel
capacity: 7.91 Kb
speed: 12 frame
format: GIF

Animasi Pray for Aceh 150 BW :: Update Status gambar DP BBM Pray for Aceh bergerak
Size: 150X150 pixel
capacity: 7.21 Kb
speed: 12 frame
format: GIF

for Blackberry user: 
Point to image, click BB button and Save Image
for PC user:
use Right Click and Save Image

DP BBM Animasi diproduksi Repenciz untuk Display Picture BBM Blogspot Requst DP BBM gerak, kritik dan saran silahkan mention saja ke: Repenciz ‏ @Repenciz
ADS 336X280
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